Please take a few moments to review the Guidelines governing our scrimmages. If you are new to our group, please send me an email by way of introduction and detail your playing experience and skill level. If you have questions, please check the Frequently Asked Questions section of our forum or feel free to contact me.

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Email:  Visit this group

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There are a variety of ways to pay for your scrimmage:
  • Cash
  • Personal check
  • Venmo (GeoffStirling-ScrimmagesOnline - NOTE: please do NOT specify Turn On For Purchases... I incur a service charge if you do that)
  • CashApp (PHYDX2)
  • Punchcard (11 scrimmages for the price of 10!)
PayPal is no longer an accepted form of payment.

If you are paying electronically, please include your name (or the name of the person you are paying for) and the date of the scrimmage. If you are paying for multiple scrimmages, include all of the dates.

Please note that paying electronically for the scrimmage will not sign you up for the scrimmage automatically. Please complete the signup step first.
Here's a list of upcoming scrimmages that are not yet open. Check back when they get changed to open.
Date Rink Length Cost Skaters Type Goalies
Apr 2 (Wed) 7:30 pm Leddy 1.0 hrs $15 20 General  (not assigned) & Corey Sullivan
Apr 9 (Wed) 7:30 pm Leddy 1.0 hrs $15 20 General  (not assigned) & Corey Sullivan

Complete Scrimmage Schedule

Confirmed scrimmages are in blue. Unconfirmed scrimmages are in red. If you can't see the calendar below, you may need to allow third-party cookies to be enabled.

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