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Date:Tuesday, July 23
Time:8:00 pm
Rink:Gutterson - Map
Goalies:Dan Phillips & Lewy Lamont

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Confirmed Skaters

1. Geoff Stirling (Pd)
2. Brent Navari (Pd)
3. Jp benoit (Pd)
4. Tim Duffy (Pd)
5. Eric Chase (Pd)
6. Edgar Manalo (Pd)
7. Kyle Corey (Pd)
8. Noah Rubman (Pd)
9. Chris Sigmund (Pd)
10. Jim Sundquist (Pd)
11. Louis Prue (Pd)
12. Josh Harris (Pd)
13. todd Spellman (Pd)
14. Matt Stern (Pd)
15. Gene Shlatz (Pd)
16. G Dustin Bates (Pd)
17. Jordan Lieberman (Pd)
18. Dewey Patterson (Pd)
19. David Schalk (Pd)
20. Alex Morse (Pd)

Unconfirmed Skaters

Canceled Skaters

Zachary Keller
Keith Nagle
ben pacy
Doug Densmore
Chris LaPan
brendan fisher